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14 Disney And Pixar Guy Costumes You Never Thought Of Using For Halloween


One of my favorite things about Halloween is that you can pretty much be whoever you want. (Just make sure you costume isn’t offensive, kay?) While you can get dolled up and be a Disney Princess or a cute cartoon character, it’s also fun to think outside the box. I’ve dressed up as a guy character for probably five out of the last six Halloweens. My costumes are always a big hit because they’re unexpected.

This year, I’m still kind of undecided so I’ve been looking at some guy costumes that I can make work for me. Taking a familiar character and genderbending it is a lot of fun, y’all. Check out these 14 Disney and Pixar guys you never thought of being for Halloween:

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What are you going to be for Halloween? Are you going to be any of the above? What other Disney or Pixar guys could you dress up as? Tell us in the comments!
You can reach this post’s author, Caitlin Corsetti, on Twitter and Instagram!

Check out these emoji costumes too!

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The post 14 Disney And Pixar Guy Costumes You Never Thought Of Using For Halloween appeared first on Gurl.com.

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