I’m totally into extravagant Halloween costumes. I really like to put a lot of effort into my costumes because it’s the one day of the year that I get to be anything! Typically, I like to think outside the box and do something totally different. And no, I can’t tell you what my costume is yet because I can’t decide between being an emoji or a meme or a Disney character. Tough decision, I know.
While I’m really into making a complicated costume, I know a lot of people don’t want to buy or make their own. Some people just aren’t into dressing up but don’t want to venture out on Halloween without a costume. I get that, but there’s a way out! Whether you want a super easy costume or are looking for something to do at the last minute, these t-shirt costumes are perfect:
Alvin And The Chipmunks
This is a great group costume, but it can also work on its own. You don't have to have a trio to be a chipmunk! But this costume is really easy. You just need an over-sized t-shirt. You can draw or paint on letters. If you have animal ears you can wear them, but this would work without ears too.
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Disney Princess
I love this idea so much. Who says you have to wear a dress to be a Disney Princess? These princess-inspired t-shirts are too cute and are perfect if you don't want an extravagant costume.
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Error 404
You can buy this Error 404 shirt or just write it on a blank t-shirt that you have lying around!
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This minion shirt is adorable, right? You can create a minion face on a yellow t-shirt using fabric, fabric paint or even markers.
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Everyone is probably going to be Elsa and Anna this year. Why not be different and go as Olaf? Just get a big white t-shirt and draw his face on it! Wear with leggings and you're set.
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Peter Pan
Peter Pan is so easy to do with a shirt. Wear leggings and then cut an over-sized green t-shirt with this tunic pattern!
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Shark Week
You can be a full Shark Week with all of your friends or you can go it alone! You don't even need the shark hat, although it does help. You could even switch things up and be a shark attack!
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Sookie, Jessica or Arlene from True Blood
You can buy this Merlotte's t-shirt from the True Blood store, but you could also make your own by printing out the logo and attaching it to a white t-shirt. This costume is super easy and allows you to be Sookie, Jessica or Arlene. Or anyone who worked at Merlotte's, really.
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So cute! This is another great group costume, but it works as a solo costume as well. Pick your favorite Carebear and get that color t-shirt. You can decorate it a few ways. Draw your Carebear tummy design on paper and attach it to your stomach, paint the design with fabric paint or use felt pieces.
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101 Dalmatians
So easy! Get a white t-shirt and draw black spots on it. Grab some dog ears (or attach socks to a headband) and you're a dalmatian!
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What are you going to be for Halloween? Are you going to try any of these shirt costume ideas? Tell us in the comments!
You can reach this post’s author, Caitlin Corsetti, on Twitter and Instagram!
14 Disney and Pixar guy costumes you never thought of wearing
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