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10 Easy Halloween Costumes You Can Make With Just A T-Shirt


I’m totally into extravagant Halloween costumes. I really like to put a lot of effort into my costumes because it’s the one day of the year that I get to be anything! Typically, I like to think outside the box and do something totally different. And no, I can’t tell you what my costume is yet because I can’t decide between being an emoji or a meme or a Disney character. Tough decision, I know.

While I’m really into making a complicated costume, I know a lot of people don’t want to buy or make their own. Some people just aren’t into dressing up but don’t want to venture out on Halloween without a costume. I get that, but there’s a way out! Whether you want a super easy costume or are looking for something to do at the last minute, these t-shirt costumes are perfect:

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What are you going to be for Halloween? Are you going to try any of these shirt costume ideas? Tell us in the comments!
You can reach this post’s author, Caitlin Corsetti, on Twitter and Instagram!

14 Disney and Pixar guy costumes you never thought of wearing

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The post 10 Easy Halloween Costumes You Can Make With Just A T-Shirt appeared first on Gurl.com.

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